
PowerBiodiv Web

flow-ing contributes to international research project “Powerbiodiv”

Between 2021 and 2025, flow-ing is participating in the international research project Powerbiodiv. This project brings together specialists in political science, sociology, conservation biology, geography, facilitation, conflict management, ecology, and anthropology. They explore the multiple dimensions of power in the design and implementation of participatory processes. This project has already produced initial findings. Continue reading

Café découverte

flow-ing intervenes on environmental health

Since May 2024, flow-ing has been supporting the ExposUM Institute of Montpellier University in co-developing research questions related to the environmental health of the citizens of Aude Département. To achieve this, flow-ing was collaborating with the Aude Citizen Institute for Environmental Health (IECSEA). Together, we developed a participatory strategy to generate research questions on environmental... Continue reading

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Support for wolf management in Lower Saxony

Within a service contract with the European Commission, flow-ing accompanies public authorities and stakeholders in Germany’s land Lower Saxony on a more profound understanding of the current wolf management situation and helps with the design of an exchange process.

ville de paris

A series of 3 training courses on group facilitation

In 2019 flow-ing provides a series of three training courses (3 days each) to the City of Paris which is currently in a process of managerial reform towards more participatory processes. Our training provides a resource in this change process.

dna model

Experimentation Community on Systemic Constellations

Since October of 2018 flow-ing and colleagues have facilitated an Experimentation Community in Montpellier with the goal to explore the applications of Systemic Constellations in organizational life. This approach can for example be used to create new perspectives on complex and conflictual situations and thus provide insight on meaningful and effective next steps that reduce... Continue reading

brown bear

Providing support for bear management in Romania

flow-ing has helped assess the local bear situation in Harghita County in Romania. The situation in some places in Transylvania is dramatic with bears regularly visiting towns and even houses. flow-ing is part of an EU-funded project that helps stakeholders dialogue about the situation and take joint action. Continue reading

parlement lynx

Facilitation of the French-German transboundary lynx parliament

In November 2018 flow-ing facilitates the 3rd transboundary lynx parliament. The session will be held at the French German border in the Palatinate and there will be up to 40 stakeholders present from both countries in order to better manage the presence of the lynx in the Palatinate and the Vosges mountains.


Training on eco-system conflict management in Sweden

In November 2018 flow-ing will provide a 5-day training in Sweden on eco-system conflict management at Grimsö Wildlife Research Station. Participants are international PhD students dealing with wildlife conflicts. The course will provide practical knowledge on how to plan for and handle stakeholder dialogue in tensed contexts and especially with regard to large carnivores such... Continue reading