bandeau notre offre

Workshop Facilitation

facilitation de vos réunions

Each context and every group encounter are unique, and it is within this diversity that our commitment lies. We adapt to your needs to enable a process that is both productive and meaningful for the participants. Our threefold facilitation approach, which we have developed, and which allows for the use of a wide variety of facilitation methods, supports this adaptation. We select these facilitation methods in collaboration with you, based on your specific context - either in-person or remotely. Whether it's for a creative meeting, in-depth team discussions, project retrospectives, or strategic dialogue, we are here to provide the necessary support. We are present alongside you beforehand, during the exchanges, and in the post-meeting follow-up.

Territorial Dialogue

dialogue territoriale

Territorial dialogue is a process of exchange between stakeholders in a territory, including residents, businesses, associations, local authorities, and others. This approach ensures active participation of local stakeholders in decision-making processes, planning, and implementation of projects impacting their territory.

We use various methodologies such as the triple facilitation approach, stakeholder exchange platforms, Future Search, and more.


Territorial Conflict Management

gestion de conflit de territoire

In some cases, mere territorial dialogue is not sufficient to resolve conflicts that have reached a critical level. When tension rises, trust between actors erodes, and the situation seems to be at an impasse, the intervention of a neutral third party proves essential to break the deadlock. We have had the opportunity to intervene in such circumstances, whether it be for water management in France, coexistence with wolves in Germany, or the resolution of land disputes involving the state, a city, and a tribe in Morocco.

Our approach in these situations is varied, adapting to the specificities of each context. It may encompass classical mediation methods, as well as structured exchange approaches, and the establishment of dialogue platforms. Our objective is to facilitate the reopening of communication channels between stakeholders, thus fostering a collaborative and constructive process to achieve new perspectives.

Participatory Democracy

Démocratie participative

Participatory democracy is an innovative political model in which citizens play an active role in the decision-making process and the formulation of public policies. Participatory democracy seeks to directly involve citizens in decision-making. To do so, our offer includes facilitating public meetings, citizen councils, participatory councils, Future Search approaches, and Wisdom Councils. The goal is to promote more inclusive governance, where the opinions and needs of the population are considered more directly, thereby strengthening the legitimacy and transparency of the democratic process. Often, the quality of decisions also improves.

Conflict Management for Teams or Families

Gestion de conflit équipes familles

We use various processes and skills to identify, understand, and resolve disagreements and tensions that may arise among members of a work team. Conflicts within a team are inevitable due to the different personalities, perspectives, expectations, and work styles of the individuals composing it. However, there are remedies if there is a willingness within the team to address the differences. These interventions - typically based on various forms of open communication - represent important learning moments. Conflict management is also an important skill for leaders and team members, as it helps maintain a positive work environment, promotes collaboration, and prevents prolonged tensions that could affect team productivity and well-being. Our interventions also serve as learning opportunities in this regard.

Recently we have also begun to help families improve their communication when there are important tensions.

Systemic Coaching


Systemic coaching draws inspiration from systems theory to understand and influence complex dynamics within an organization, among stakeholders in a territory, or within a team. Unlike traditional coaching, which often focuses on individual development, systemic coaching views the individual as an integral part of a larger system, such as a team, a company, or a family.

We use the approach of systemic constellations and case clinics for coaching. On the individual level, these methods serve as a guide to help participants navigate through complex and nebulous situations, guiding them towards informed solutions and next steps. On the team level, the use of case clinics and constellations allows for in-depth exchanges, for example by enabling members to explore and understand each other's respective positions more deeply.